My understanding of yoga is everchanging. As I continue to study, practice, and experience, I realize there are many paths to the same truth. here are some of my leanings and reflections.

Grihastha yoga
Gauree Patel Gauree Patel

Grihastha yoga

A grihastha (householder) yogi practices yoga through their everyday life. Grihastha yoga offers an accessible path to realization by acknowledging the materialist world we live in and encouraging us to engage in attachments, and the suffering that comes with it, as an opportunity to refine the mind, reduce the ego, and evolve.

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Gauree Patel Gauree Patel


My relationship to yoga was informed by my upbringing an Indian household where I embodied an ayurvedic lifestyle, practiced asana and pranayama, and experienced the power of community, all without even knowing it was yoga.

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Rest as resistence
Gauree Patel Gauree Patel

Rest as resistence

Changing systems is a lifelong commitment, where protests, difficult conversations, and direct actions must be complemented with deep self-inquiry, rest, and joy. In this continuous fight for liberation, each of these parts play a crucial role in sustaining our collective effort to resist systems of oppression and build a world we actually can live in.

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